Welcome to Indian Geological Congress

Indian Geological Congress

Endeavour To Unlock The Secret Of The Earth

  • Phones: +91–1332–277827 / +91-9219414329 (O)
  • Fax: +91- 1332 - 277827
  • E-mails: igcroorkee@gmail.com / igcroorkee@ymail.com

Welcome to Indian Geological Congress

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Prof. O.P. Varma, Executive President at the Desk
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Working Facilities
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IGC Head Quarter at Roorkee
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IGC Meeting Hall
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Shri Rajesh Kumar Srivastava - Director (Exploration), ONGC President of IGC

The Indian Geological Congress (IGC), forerunner among the Indian scientific societies, was founded in 1976 only for holding biennial conventions, as fora at different places in India for scientific discussions and dissemination of scientific knowledge that could be sourced therefrom, primarily in the realm of earth sciences. For many years after its establishment, it remained in infancy and homeless with nomadic routines of organizing only the biennial conventions. Turning point in its history, however, came during the Sixth Convention, held in the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) in Feb. 1987, bringing out a decision to provide to the IGC a permanent home and legal framework. To translate this decision into action, it was registered as a not-for-profit society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 on December 20, 1988 and never to look back. Of the 13 objectives of the Society, an important one is to collaborate and cooperate with various national and international institutions related to the study of mineral resources and other disciplines of geosciences, besides maintaining intimate liaison with Indian mineral and mining industries. Its success story of the gone-by years is woven, in the main, by bold initiatives and mileposts of achievements in the introduction of efficiently managed diversified scientific programmes, schemes, strategies and ideas for all-round growth and development, and spread of earth science knowledge to the gass-roots of the society by tenaciously pursuing emergent recommendations, from its Conventions and scientific fora, organised from time to time at different places in India. Inspired primarily by scientific & technological needs of the country, pragmatic planning of these programmes, punctuated uniformly in each year, has brought together earth scientists of different regions under its fold. Needless to say that a whole lot of this, accomplished so far, would’nt have been possible without total dedication, devotion and hard work of Prof. O.P. Varma former professor of mining geology & head dept. of applied Geology Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, and its office-bearers, the first Secretary, Prof. V.K.S. Dave, and the support given by the DST, the GSI, and the Indian mineral industry, especially the ONGC.More

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